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cikapoung cikapoung Author
Title: ครูส้ม high-so knowledge
Author: cikapoung
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
                              P E R S O N A L     P R O F I L E                                                                            ...

                              PERSONAL   PROFILE

Name : Miss Khanittha Klaipol
Nickname : Som
Date of Birth : March 30th, 1984
Educations : Bachelor's degree of Art (UBRU) and studying in Master's degree (UBRU)/English Program
Motto : An enjoyable job is like the fountain of youth 
Special skills : English and Japanese language skills
Work at : Amnatcharoen School (English Department)
Tel : 045-511-959-116
Experiences : work at TOYOTA BUZZ, BKK

      E N G L I S H   I S   F U N


About Author


